Dissemination Seminar on International Affairs Office Polman Bandung

Workshop of Capacity Building in Unika Atmajaya, Jakarta
September 17, 2015
International Office Polman Bandung Received Grant PKKUI 2015
October 16, 2015

On Tuesday, 22 September 2015 from 07.30 to 12.00 pm in Seminar Room Rupantama Polman Bandung has conducted seminars socialization of governance and organization of the Office of International Affairs (KUI) Polman Bandung, with expert speakers of international cooperation of the Directorate of Institutional of Higher Education Dr. Purwanto (Ka. Sub. Dit. Kemenristek Cooperation Between Higher Education Institutions). The seminar was attended by approximately 35 people, consisting of Chairman Polman Bandung, Head of Department, Secretary of the Department and the Head of Unit Leaders. KUI seminar expectations committee chairman Fatonah mother, so that the initial implementation of these activities can run smoothly

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